Sources for the Red Offenders Series

Critical Feather Theory

In order of appearance:

In the scene where The Red Offenders first meet Teacher Bird.

45 Goals of the Communist Party as read into the Congressional Record by Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr., (D-Florida), in 1963.

In the scene where Teacher Bird is giving a lesson on race to her class at Bird School.
”The NYC School System is Teaching my 10 Year Old Son that He’s a Racist” from the Post Millennial.

In the scene that takes place at “School School” where new Teacher Birds are trained.
”Identity & Race even in Math Class”, Seattle Times

The last scene at Bird School just before Skitter Bird and Winston leave.
Bio of Malcolm X from the Encyclopedia Britannica.

The scene where the Angry Ducks burn the dictionaries so the Woke Elites can change the definitions of words.
”Senator Hirono’s Double Standard” National Review.

Victimus Maximus (to be released 2024)

The scene where Skitter Bird and Winston first arrive on campus.
”Women’s Studies” Wikipedia.